Coronavirus (COVID-19): What You Need to know
At Camp Hoblitzelle, the safety and well-being of our campers, staff, and guests continues to be our top priority. We know ministry and fun cannot happen without the firm foundation of safety! Know that we are continually evaluating our health and safety procedures that are already in place, and taking additional precautionary steps where needed.
Update (January, 2022):
We are busy getting ready to host an incredible summer camp season at Camp Hoblitzelle. COMING SOON - Check back here soon for answers to your questions regarding what Camp Hoblitzelle is going to look like for Summer 2022, and how we will continue to keep safety of our campers our top priority this summer.
Update (March, 2021):
For the continued protection of our campers, guests and staff we wanted to share a list of initiatives we are committed to. Some of these are things we have always done and will continue to do; some are things we are enhancing to reduce risk; and a few are newly implemented this past year as part of our COVID-19 response.
Here are some of the measures that Camp Hoblitzelle is taking to prevent COVID-19 this summer:
Our team has been and will continue to follow the State Guidelines for Camp Operations during COVID-19, American Camp Association guidelines, as well as direction from the Ellis County health department.
In order to increase opportunities for social distancing, camper capacity will be at 50% for all weeks of camp.
Campers and staff will wear masks when indoors, and when social distancing cannot take place outdoors. This does not include sleeping, swimming, or eating.
Camp will continue to prioritize distancing and increase outdoor activities where possible.
Camp will increase disinfecting procedures between camper groups at activities.
Camp will encourage increased hand-washing and sanitization between activities, group times, when entering a building, before eating, etc.
Camp will decrease exposure between camper cabins (pods).
Parents and guardians should monitor their camper’s health for 2 weeks prior to arrival. If the child is exposed to a confirmed case of COVID-19 or experiences symptoms, they should contact the office immediately.
Update (December, 2020):
The State of Texas has not yet issued updated guidance for children’s overnight summer camps for the summer of 2021.
Ellis County has indicated that they will follow the state’s lead, and we will work diligently focusing our at the state level to update our policies and procedures to keep the safety or our campers, staff and guests the highest priority.
We are following recommendations from the Center for Disease Control (CDC), American Camp Association (ACA), and Association of Camp Nursing in order to ensure that our policies are in line with guidelines for best practice.
This page is to serve as a resource to help answer questions and concerns you may have regarding Hoblitzelle Summer Camp and COVID-19. This information is being updated as available so please check back.
We acknowledge these are unprecedented times and strive to prioritize health and safety of campers and staff so we can continue to bring adventure, wonder, and surprise into children’s lives through magical days spent at summer camp.
In response to the ongoing risks of COVID-19, we are developing a comprehensive policy for summer 2021 operations.
Is Camp Hoblitzelle still open to guests?
In the changing environment of this season we are following recommendations from the Center for Disease Control (CDC), American Camp Association (ACA), and Association of Camp Nursing in order to ensure that our policies are in line with guidelines for best practice. This allows us to adapt and open up our facilities as appropriate and when able, whilst ensuring appropriate safety measures are in place for all campers, staff, and guests.
Will Summer Programs still be taking place in 2021?
We made the difficult decision to cancel all summer programming for our 2020 Summer, as well as to close all facilities. We are already hard at work to make a safe place for our campers and staff to experience camp Hoblitzelle for summer 2021.
What additional safety measures are you putting in place to prevent the spread of COVID-19?
We are reiterating and encouraging all staff & guests to do the following:
Be mindful of adapted environments to create a safe space in which to enjoy camp. This includes recommendations for space and equipment use.
Wear a mask or appropriate face covering.
Cover your mouth and nose when you are sneezing and coughing.
Wash hands with soap and make hand sanitizer available when hand washing is not possible.
Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
Encourage staff and guests to stay at home when feeling sick.
Avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth.
How to Contact Our Team
If you have any additional questions regarding COVID-19 and Hoblitzelle, feel free to reach out!​
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